Goldschmidt Pallonji ImmobiliareONE.SQFT are tradable digital assets representing a proportionate financial value equivalent to one square foot of real estate held by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). Here’s a breakdown:
- Trading: They can be bought and sold among users on the Goldschmidt Pallonji Immobiliare FrancOwn Platform.
- Digital Representation: Each Goldschmidt Pallonji ImmobiliareONE.SQFT corresponds to a specific investment opportunity in a property held by an SPV.
- Digital Wallet: Goldschmidt Pallonji ImmobiliareONE.SQFTs are stored digitally in your Virtual SQFT Wallet.
- Unique Identifier: Each Goldschmidt Pallonji ImmobiliareONE.SQFT has a unique name/reference ID tied to a specific property.
- Value and Income: The value and income potential are linked to the properties held by the issuing SPV.
- Investment Mechanism: Represents the loan extended to the SPV to purchase pre-identified properties.
As a holder of Goldschmidt Pallonji ImmobiliareONE.SQFT, you may be entitled to:
Loan Repayment: Periodic repayment of the face value at the discretion of the SPV.
- Interest Payments: Periodic interest, provided you hold the Goldschmidt Pallonji ImmobiliareONE.SQFT on the record date.
- Final Repayment: Balance repayment at the end of the loan tenure upon sale of the SPV’s properties.
- Additional Benefits: Community benefits and social commerce offers as available.
- Redemption Premiums: Profits over the face value at loan maturity.
- Sale Proceeds: Post-tax and platform fee proceeds from selling Goldschmidt Pallonji ImmobiliareONE.SQFT to other users.
For detailed information, refer to our Terms of Use.